ihopto Forum

A forum for ihop.to TAG owners to help them make the most of their claimed words.

Monday 31 October 2011

How to make your Adwords more effective

Most online advertisers use their own web URL on their offline advertising. Often this is to the homepage, with links on the homepage to the pages linked to what has been advertised. A large number of advertisers don't redirect their readers to the right web page making the point of placing the URL on a advertisement redundant.
Unless a reader, or watcher or an advert is sitting on a computer while reading it is unlikely they will remember the URL that is advertised. Instead they are far more likely to remember a couple of keywords from your advert and use them in a search engine later on.

If you have integrated your campaigns with an SEO campaign and have bought Adwords or a featured listing you are reliant on your readers/watching picking the right keywords to search for your web pages, or you have had to buy a larger number of adwords to ensure that they are searched on.

Having an ihopto TAG can significantly increase the hit rate on your selected adwords. Imagine using your Adwords as your TAG. Show them on your advert and ask your audience to use them in their search - ihop words are unique to each country so your competitors will not be advertised their Adwords.

Attached is an article on costs - these will reduce with an ihop.to TAG

Keyword Cost Guideline and PPC Specialist Costs

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