ihopto Forum

A forum for ihop.to TAG owners to help them make the most of their claimed words.

Monday 31 October 2011

Who cares what your domain is ?.

Ok you found that the website domain you wanted has already been taken...you have searched .com, co.uk, .net .xxx, .co, .org etc etc etc and someone has already taken them, and whats more frustrating is when someone has taken them but not linked them to anything!.. So you know they are out there, wasted, but potentially waiting to take your idea!.

But who cares what the URL is! if you advertise your ihop.to TAG....why advertise your URL.. no one can remember them these days, and they are all being shortened for social networks so whats the point of spending 1000's to get the right domain.
How about just getting a unique ihopto TAG before your competitors do. Then all you do is advertise your TAG - an easy to remember word, words, or phrase...They search for it on ihop.to and "hop" straight your pages....(who cares what the URL is! - all they have to do is remember the unique words in your TAG!

Oh and we have a URL shorterner too, each TAG is automatically assigned a short URL for the results  search so it can be used on your social sites!..

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